Going overseas? If this is your first time, you can try these tips so you won’t have a bad time. These are the tips:
1. Find information about the destined country
The first thing you must do is find information about the country. The information should consist about the native’s habit, tradition, and also culture. The particular reason is so you can adapt with the new environment. Also, find out about local cheap hotel. You can’t skip this.
1. Find information about the destined country
The first thing you must do is find information about the country. The information should consist about the native’s habit, tradition, and also culture. The particular reason is so you can adapt with the new environment. Also, find out about local cheap hotel. You can’t skip this.
2. Prepare your passport and visa
If you don’t know about these things, passport is your personal international information letter and you need this every time you go overseas. It’s as important as your ID card. Later, passport will be checked by immigration officer of the destined country and your information will be record. Beside passport, do not forget to get a visa from the embassy of your destined country. It is recommended to get it around two months before your departure, because sometime it’s not always easy to get a visa.
3. Find out the local season
It is also an important thing to know about the weather and the season there. The main reason is so you can bring the right wardrobe.
4. Prepare local currency
Money is always important. If you can, try to change the currency before you go. It will be more practical and, usually, cheaper.
5. Be patient while facing immigration officer
After arrival, you will be stopped by immigration officer. Be nice to them. They will ask you a lot of questions with scrupulously. Like what will you do, where will you stay, do you have any relative on the country, etc. Don’t worry about it, it’s normal. They just do their job. So, be patient and answer it nicely, so it can be done fast.
6. Prepare international travel CHARGER
In this era, electronic device is a necessity for us. So this is also important. You don’t want your gadget become useless right? Not every country has the same electrical slot type. You can find this charger in your local electronic store.
I hope these tips can make your trip went well. Have a nice trip.
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